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Tank Closure Assessments


Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) have been used for storage of petroleum and other reguated materials for many years. USTs are a significant potential environmental condition due to the typically large volume of petroleum or other hazardous compounds stored, and the uncertainty of the condition of the tank while still in the ground. While simply removing the tank without a proper assessment will eliminate a potential contamination source, it has no bearing on possible past discharges. Furthermore, a site with a closed UST which has not been adequately assessed, can cause potential financing issues in the future when the property is sold or refinanced. A good Phase I ESA will determine that a tank formerly existed, and without having adequate closure documentation, a consultant will not be able to issue a "no further assessment required " statement.SRW will prepare assessments for the closure of USTs containing petroleum or other hazardous materials, which meet State and Local regulatory requirements. And because our work is performed by Professional Geologists, you can be assured that SRW's assessment will protect your investment in the future.


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